Monday, August 3, 2009

7 important Causes of Bleeding Gums

Gentle dental Health reflects a healthy personality. Poor oral health or bleeding gums can be harmful in both way physically and mentally. It is important that a person must understand the cause of bleeding gums and needs to be addressed to heal your gums.

Here are some most important causes of gum bleeding:

1. Gum disease: This is the most common cause for bleeding gums. It should be healed at initial stage. This initial stage of gum disease is known as gingivitis in which gums become swollen and tender. This type of bleeding occurs during touch actions such as brushing or eating. Due to this gum disease, plaques are accommodated which irritates the gums. It must be treated initially; otherwise it progresses to Periodontitis and finally tooth loss.

2. Vigorous brushing: Person should know proper brushing technique. Sometimes brushing with toothpaste may be abrasive. Forceful brushing does more harm than good to the teeth. Overzealous brushing might also cause the gums to bleed but you can’t get healthy gums to bleed by vigorous brushing. So, vigorous brushing should be avoided.

3. Autoimmune disorders: In autoimmune disorders, body’s own immune system damages its own cells. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Rheumatoid Arthiritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus are a few autoimmune disorders which can cause bleeding gums.

4. Smoking or chewing tobacco: Smoking not only stains your teeth but also damages your gums by reducing the blood supply. Smokers tend to have more calculus on their teeth than non-smokers which causes gum bleeding or other oral disease. Tobacco can also cause irritating effect on the gums.

5. Hormones: As we know, gum tissue is embedded with hormone receptors. If related hormone levels rise above their normal level, they can cause increase of fluid level in the gum tissue which in terms causes red, tender and swollen gum. These become normal as soon as the hormone levels become normal.

6. Vitamin-K deficiency: Vitamin K is an important factor in the process of blood clotting and its deficiency can cause gums to bleed.

7. Drugs: Some drugs such as oral contraceptives, antidepressants, nasal sprays and anticoagulants might cause bleeding gums.

It is often found that patient with bleeding gums suffers from gum disease. Therefore, patient should approach a dental care specialist who specializes in treatment of gum disease.Visit our website : to Find a Good Dentist in your area.


  1. Gums are pinky and spongy structures, essential for holding and protecting the teeth. They adhere to the teeth very closely to prevent entry.Thanks you can meet me at

  2. I think this is a common problem faced by most of the people and for it's treatment you must know the causes first.Thanks for clearing out the causes so clearly...
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  3. Good information. Use proper brushing and flossing techniques, bacteria fighting toothpaste and an antibacterial mouth rinse and to prevent mouth disease such as this, see your dentist at least once a year.Dentist St Petersburg

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